How much will my project cost?
It depends! While I do offer some baseline pricing, the reality is every copy/branding project is different. Some companies are ready with lots of prep/research, while others are starting from scratch. It’s always better for my clients when I customize my proposals to fit their budgets and needs.
Are editing fees less expensive than writing?
Not necessarily! Whether I’m writing from scratch or working off established verbiage, I usually apply the same effort to each project I take on and price accordingly.
Does your pricing include trademark fees?
I can definitely do a basic sweep upon request, but for full security, I recommend hiring a law firm that specializes in this kind of thing.
How do you price your services?
I base my rates off the time I estimate the project will take to complete. Sometimes I work off estimated word counts or other requirements (like research, interviews, etc.) Other times, I factor in 3rd party contractor or software fees (when applicable). It really depends on the scope!
Will you complete a "test" project for free?
Sorry. Nope. You have my full portfolio of work to review when making your decision. Or, if you’re still not sold, I’d be happy to discuss completing your test for a fee.
Can you also handle my marketing projects?
I only accept a few marketing clients per year, but I’d love to hear about your needs. Shoot me an email, and I’ll see if and how I can help.